DIY Web Care

So You've Decided to Take a DIY Approach to Web Care?

We understand that sometimes budgets just don’t have room for hiring an outside resource to handle website maintenance. If that’s the case for you, here are a few key items we recommend you implement into your process:

  • Backup your website. We perform daily backups for clients on our Web Care Plans, but the frequency is up to you and should be dependent on how often you are updating your site. If you don’t update it very often, monthly backups should be sufficient. If you update weekly, weekly backups. If you update more than once per week we recommend daily backups.
  • Update all WordPress user passwords at least once a quarter.
  • Update any outdated plugins, themes and WordPress core at least once each month. Outdated plugins are a primary way that websites become vulnerable so don’t neglect this important step.
  • IMPORTANT: Be sure you run an additional backup before you begin the process of updating plugins, themes, WordPress, etc. so that you have an up to date version of the site available if the updates should cause any issues.

DIY Not Right for You?

If at any point you decided DIY isn’t the right approach for you, feel free to contact us or visit our Web Care Plans page.